Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Wednesday tradition...

I did a post similar to this one back in December. For some reason, I found myself going back to this post quite frequently lately. It seems to be keeping me grounded.


I've decided to turn this exercise into a weekly thing. It might actually help me out by putting things in perspective. Let's try:

I am...
- Still lazy when it comes to do the dishes
- Starting to slowly lose weight

I want...
- To take a year off and travel around the world
- The new eeePc. In green please.

I have...
- Great friends
- The ability to poke fun at myself

I hate...
- Violence, racism, judgmental people, smoochy couples, lineups and green peas
- Ignorant people

I fear...
- Of getting sick again
- Of not being able to become and stay pregnant

I search...
- The "happily ever after" relationship
- For the perfect drink

I wonder...
- If I'll ever be truly happy
- What dogs dream about

I never...
- Leave the house without nail polish on my toes
- Look in other people's bathroom cabinets

I rarely...
- Say what's really on my mind
- Take a lunch break

I cry...
- When I'm pissed off or really stressed
- When laughing

I am not always...
- On time
- The most politically correct person

I lose...
- Myself, when trying to help others
- Sight of my ankles during the summer

I'm confused...
- About the guy that keeps licking my dog at the park. Gross...
- About religion

I miss...
- Having an unpredictable schedule
- My sisters
- My friends N, A and V...

I need...
- More money
- A drink.

I should...
- Be more patient when driving
- Be nicer to the plumber who's fixing the leak in my office for the 4th time.

Anything else I should add ?


Anonymous said...

At least one of your SISTER miss you too...very much...but I'm coming in your city in less than 3 weeks !! And without the kids ! That's a big event ! You want to have an UNPREDICTABLE SCHEDULE and take a day and a half off from work with me ?

R. xxx

Audrey said...

Toi aussi tu me manques! Heureusement qu'on a le web pour se garder informées de ce qui se passe chez l'autre! :)

Faudrait vraiment que je me trouve un trou pour venir te rendre visite un de ces 4! En juillet? En tout cas, on s'en reparle!