Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Looking for Grand-pa's teeth...

My family always had weird ways to reward kids with money. Growing up, we'd be paid to fetch potato bugs in the garden : a nickle a head. An extra 2 bucks if we'd throw them in the neighbour's garden. Or 25 cents for every Jellyfish we could find on the beach. An extra dollar to put one on some stranger's butt.

My father has now reach a new low : it's been recently brought to our attention that his grand-kids have been rewarded to find his dentures ( He is known to forget them everywhere ). 3 dollars if they find them ; an extra 2 bucks to bring them to grand-pa. An additionnal dollar if they try them on...


And you : any weird ways to get money as a kid ?


Anonymous said...

You forgot about the 10 cents you'd get to fetch nails in his backyard ( he lost about trillion of those...)or the buck for the yukiest zit/cyst on his back (we now get a beer for that one !)

But I have to admit: the dentures reward is a new low...


Anonymous said...

Yikessssssssss that's pretty darn funny actually. HA
Here from Michele

Anonymous said...

I love that!

I used to sell rocks to my Grandpa for quarters.....and we'd dig night crawlers and sell them on opening day of fishing season.

Thanks for stopping by my site today from Micheles.

shpprgrl said...

Just the typical stuff here, trying to find things to clean and make money. I never got to look for teeth! Thanks for stopping by!

Megan said...

*snort* That sounds like something my grandfather would have done.

Can't think of thing that we were asked to do for money. Odd, that...

I'm here via Michele's today.

Kara said...

oh ewwww, try them on?? gag.
Hmmm, can't think of anything we got offered, we got paid mostly for hard labor..lol

Anonymous said...

Hi Michele sent me.

I only got money for feeding the cats. Not weird as dentures-hunt. Course it's a;ways nice to get in grandpa's good books.

Panthergirl said...

My father used to pay me to sort TV transistor tubes. These were tiny things this colored bands. Two yellow, one white, two red... etc. I nearly went blind trying to organize them.

He also had a coin collection and I spent hours trying to find a 1955s penny.

Didn't get paid, but on my own I used to collect his toenail clippings from the carpet in front of the couch. GROSS!!

Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on!
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