This week's theme on Photo Friday: Best travel photos
I was born on Magdalena Island (or Iles-de-la-Madelaine): a small Island part of the province of Quebec, located in between Newfoundland and Prince-Edward Island and Quebec . I've only lived there for a short amount of time... but to this day, it remains my favorite place in the whole world . Amazing people, great beer and look at the view !!
And since the Island is so tiny, you get that spectacular view anywere you go !
looks like a fun place.
just don't forget your flashlight. lol
~michele sent me
Very spectacular.... and the predominent language of choice was?
Michele wants to know.
Predominant language ? Well, either French, Shiak (a mixt of French and English ) or Drunk... very popular...
I don't think I'd ever want to leave! Michele sent me.
Gilligan should've been so lucky.
Thanks for the daydream.
here via michele today.
Michele sent me, TP.
Well, yes that's a majestic view but a little intimidating also. In bad weather I think I might want to be somewhere else! It sure is pretty tho
Michele sent me.
I'd love to visit PEI someday. Fell in love with it as a girl watching Anne of Green Gables.
That's beautiful! As a devoted Anne of Green Gables fan, I've always wanted to see PEI --I didn't even know about these others.
Michele sent me.
Hum.. actually, PEI and Magdalena Island are pretty far away from each other ; a 5 hours boat ride is required...
I've learned something new tonight - a place I might like visit one day. Thanks for sharing it.
Wow, you're lucky! Those are pretty cool photos!
Here via Michele's. Have a great weekend!
I love the name..Magdalena Island. I'll have to ask a friend from Price Edward about it. Here via Michele again.
Magadalena island is in Chile. You cannot translate a french island name to english... It's Iles-de-la-madeleine. How do i know ? Living there... But i used to make the same mistake.
Great blog. Will be back !
Actually, after making some research, the official name of the Island, Magdalena, was never changed officially. Same for Groundstone Island (Cap-Aux-Meules), Old Harry and Entry Island (Ile d'entrée). The Commission de Toponynie du Québec never gaved its approval...
wow! i forgot about those pictures...We should go back to visit one day ! We where young the last time...but i remember that it was peaceful and magical. Old enough to enjoy the "great beer" now !!!
Hi There, Michele sent me today!
That looks like a wonderful place..The seas look quite volatile...Is it like that all the time?
I have to admit... a tempest was on its way...
I love the maritimes, although I've never been to your island. But I've visited Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and PEI and I think they are all so lovely with such warm friendly people. You're lucky to be there.
Here via Michele
what beautiful coastline!
hello to you from michele.
pardon me while i wander more of your blog now :)
Hi..from Michele's.
What a beautiful area. Looks like a very rugged coastline, unlike my island here. I'm also going to browse more of your blog now.
Hi, here from Micheles. I'm also from a rural, coastal place. I love that I can see such beauty any time I like.
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